Champagne to Chandeliers, Bassets to Beagles, and everything in between.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Goin' by the book
Sooooo I'm currently obsessed with searching for a place to live starting August. And I'm really regretting my once seemingly genius idea to leave la current abode. Everything I find is shittay and expensive and just downright small. Small I'm fine with, I can chic it up to be "cozy," but let's be honest... I have a shit ton of furniture (all of which I want to take with me).
However, in true Julianne fashion, despite NOT having a place to live, I have yet to surrender my constant imaginary decorating schemes. Some may say this is a skill: good preparation, exercising my creativity, organization, etc.; I however know what the ultimate result always is: wasted time and money. Regardless, what has developed is a severe case of collecting. I have the sudden desire to start collecting all sorts of things. It has always been a harebrained scheme of mine to collect all-white pieces of dishware from various locations, at various times, to build a complete miss-matched set (luckily this is still in the planning stage because I don't trust myself to move said various pieces of dishware while keeping them in good, although vintage, condition).
What has started to take shape however is my obsession with vintage books, including the new Penguin Classics. I would have bought all of them already except that I can't bring myself to buy the ones I already own (in a much less attractive format mind you), as well as they are, quite frankly, a bitch to find. Of course Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie have a few here and there, if you want to cut your arm off and pay in pure blood. I can usually find EVERYTHING cheaper online. These however are proving to be a bit challenging... I think my best bet is a Canadian site (due to the exchange rate), but even the exchange rate today sucks. (Remember when Canada was affordable??). So I will be checking the currency on a daily basis until those beautiful books become mine.
Until then.... to achieve my dream library (which will be made of books obviously way too good looking to actually read), I may consider this site. Which is the best idea in the world. They actually sell books by the foot! Why didn't I think of that? Probably because I figured it was way too superficial a thought, to have books just as decoration. But I LOVE it, just as I love the readers digest condensed books by the foot which have sweet patterned covers such as:
as well as:
Well anyways... I'm over this post. Too much writing, not enough pictures. But I'm still loving these books. You can even order the books by the foot in a specific color combination, say you want a whole book shelf of green books: you got it!
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